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Regulation of Natural Gas Markets

BES was awarded with a new project co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation through the Central European Initiative fund at the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development-KEP (know-how-exchange program) 

Balkan Energy School (BES) was awarded with a new project that is co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation through the Central European Initiative Fund at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( This support enables BES to carry out knowledge exchange and capacity-building activities for its members, thus, enhancing their expertise and promoting regional cooperation in the energy sector. The project shall be characterized by the implementation of ad hoc seminars focused on “Regulation of Natural Gas Markets”.

The activities shall cover fundamental concepts, regulatory frameworks, and key challenges within the sector, in order to gather a comprehensive overview of the key principles related to the regulation of natural gas markets, including gas hubs, balancing markets, transmission tariffs, pipeline competition, incentives for new infrastructure, decarbonization policies, strategies for cooperation in the security of supply.

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